

Monroe JG, Srikant T, Carbonell-Bejerano P, Exposito-Alonso M, Weng M, Rutter MT., Fenster CB. and Weigel D. 2020. Mutation bias shapes gene evolution in Arabidopsis thalianaBioRxiv

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Monroe JG, Cai H, Des Marais DL. 2020. Trait plasticity and covariance along a continuous soil moisture gradient. BioRxiv

​Baggs EL, Monroe JG, Thanki AS, O’Grady R, Schudoma C, Haerty W, Krasileva KV. 2020. Convergent Loss of an EDS1/PAD4 Signaling Pathway in Several Plant Lineages Reveals Coevolved Components of Plant Immunity and Drought ResponseThe Plant Cell.

Togninalli M, Serren Ü, Freudenthal JA, Monroe JG, Meng D, Nordborg M, Weigel D, Borgwardt K, Korte A, Grimm DG. 2019. AraPheno and the AraGWAS Catalog 2020: A major database update including RNA-Seq and knockout mutation data for Arabidopsis thaliana.​ (PDF) Nucleic Acids Research.

Mason CM, Lascaleia M, De La Pascual D, Monroe JG, Goolsby EW. 2019. Learning from dynamic traits: Seasonal shifts and ecophysiological tradeoffs across scales from macroevolutionary to intra-individual. International Journal of Plant Sciences.

Monroe JG, Gill B, Turner KT, McKay JK. 2019. Drought regimens predict life history strategies in Heliophila. (PDF). New Phytologist

Lawrence C, Beem-Miller J, Hoyt A, Monroe JG, 29 others. 2019. An open source database for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data: ISRAaD version 1.0. Earth System Science Data

Monroe JG, Powell T, Price N, Howard A, Evans K, Mullen JL, Lovell JT, McKay JK. 2018. Drought adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana by extensive genetic loss-of-function. (PDF). eLife

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Dittberner H, Korte A, Mettler‐Altmann T, Weber APM, Monroe JG, de Meaux J. 2018. Natural variation in stomata size contributes to the local adaptation of water‐use efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana. (PDF). Molecular Ecology

Endriss SB, Vahsen ML, Bitume EV, Monroe JG, Turner KG, Norton AP, Hufbauer RA. 2018. The importance of growing up: juvenile environment influences dispersal of individuals and their neighbors. (PDF). Ecology Letters.

Price N, Moyers BT, Lasky JR, Monroe JG, Mullen JL, Lopez L, Oakley CG, Lin J, Ågren J, Schrider DR, Kern AD, McKay JK. 2018. Combining population genomics and fitness QTL to identify the genetics of local adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana. (PDF)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Monroe JG, Markman DW, Beck WS, Felton AJ, Vahsen ML, Pressler Y. 2018. Eco-evolutionary dynamics of carbon cycling in the Anthropocene. (PDF). Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Monroe JG, Allen ZA, Tanger P, Mullen JL, Lovell JT, Moyers BT, Whitley D, McKay JK. 2017. TSPmap, a tool making use of traveling salesperson problem solvers in the efficient and accurate construction of high-density genetic linkage maps. (PDF). Biodata Mining.

Rockenbach K, Havrid JC, Monroe JG, Triant DA, Taylor DR, Sloan DB. 2016. Positive selection in rapidly evolving plastid-nuclear enzyme complexes. (PDF). Genetics.

Monroe JG, McGovern C, Lasky J, Beck J, Grogan K, McKay JK. 2016. Adaptation to warmer climates by parallel functional evolution of CBF genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. (PDF) Molecular Ecology.

Mojica JP, Mullen J, Lovell JT, Monroe JG, Paul JR, Oakley CG, McKay JK. 2016. Genetics of water use physiology in locally adapted Arabidopsis thaliana  (PDF). Plant Science.

Zhu M, Monroe JG, Suhail Y, Villiers F, Mullen J, Pater D, Hauser F, Jeon BW, Bader JS, Kwak JM, Schroeder JI, McKay JK, Assman SM. 2016. Molecular and systems approaches toward drought-tolerant canola crops. (PDF). New Phytologist.